The Methodology for Peace: Achieving Personal and Global Transformation by Elevating Energy

There is a methodology for peace, and it is not what you expect.

Peace does not begin with political strategy, resource distribution or the attainment of power. Peace is an out-picturing of the energy we hold as individuals. We misperceive the root sources of peace, as well as what it means to claim peace for ourselves. A prior essay explores the value and meaning of peace for individuals and the collective. This essay discusses the true sources of peace as infectious and transmutable energy held by humans. Transmuting human emotional energy from conflict to peace is a process that we can know as our “Methodology for Peace.”

Humans are the receptacles and tools for amplifying and spreading peace or conflict. An apt analogy is a contagious virus. The human body is necessary for the energy of a virus to spread, heal or mutate into something different. The same is true for the human energy that drives peace or conflict. Conflict ensues because feelings of fear, scarcity, apathy, shame, greed or other dense, contracted energy is felt by and spread through individuals. The energy of conflict perpetuates to others through our energy, as manifested in our thoughts, intentions, choices,  actions or mere presence. But so does the energy of peace.

As I have shared previously, it is important to understand that everything is energy, including all matter, our bodies, and even our thoughts, values, intentions, decisions or actions. The idea that peace must be effectuated from certain strategies, politics or the like is superficial. Action, decisions, agendas, strategies, politics, etc. are propelled by intentions, beliefs, values, thoughts or ideas, and all of these are manifestations of one uniform and foundational building block – energy. And the energy that comprises our thoughts, values or human emotions can vibrate high, low or in between. The “Map of Consciousness” created by physicist Dr. David Hawkins offers a visual depiction of the range of energy that underlies human thoughts and values. The energy of conflict or peace can be known as existing at different ends of this logarithmic scale.

What is more, energy perpetuates more of itself. Quantum physics supports the law of attraction: “like” begets “like”, whether we are observing atomic particles or our human emotional energy of shame, fear, peace or love. The natural course of energy is to attract and perpetuate more of the same, unless it is transmuted into a different form by the humans who hold it. The transmutation of lower energy into higher is our methodology for peace.

It is important to note that peace is not created by controlling or compelling others. Even the idea that peace can be attained through persuasion or influence is incomplete because it does not take into account foundational energy and whether it vibrates within expanded or contracted states. We seek to compel others because we fear their choices or actions. We don’t seek to compel or coerce from expanded states of peace, love, or even courage, acceptance or neutrality. Systems and actions of control, like warfare and aspects of our current political and legal systems, are born from a fear-based need to control. And while we may engender responsive action, compromise or cooperation, such methods perpetuate the same energy of fear. The energy and action of fear can never create peace.

To the contrary, the question of whether a particular action or agenda will be meaningful in effectuating peace is not premised upon the words we use or the choices we make. What matters is the energy and intention that underlie these choices and words. In other words, what differentiates whether decisions are meaningful in supporting an agenda of peace versus conflict is whether they are propelled by foundational energy that vibrates high or low. Are our thoughts, emotions, decisions or actions propelled by expanded energies of peace, love, courage or hope? Or, are we acting because we fear what another might do or take from us, that there will not be enough or that we cannot claim more? Foundational energy of fear, shame, scarcity, lack or otherwise can be felt by other humans – it is infectious. It is not peace.

Thus, the Methodology for Peace is premised upon four interrelated principles that are supported by science, as well as our own human experiences: (1) everything is energy, including human thoughts, emotions and values; (2) human emotional energy can be correlated to a scale that ranges from lower contracted states of fear or shame, to higher expanded states that include peace and love; (3) energy attracts and perpetuates more of itself, without more; and (4) lower vibrational energy can be transmuted into higher energy through an inward process undertaken by the humans who hold it.

The transmutation of lower energy into higher is The Methodology for Peace, and we can distill it into ten steps. The first step is quite simple:  Stop. That is all. Stop, so that you can cease what you are doing, thinking, or spreading and instead create some space to discern what you are experiencing before the law of attraction will work to perpetuate more of the same. Practically speaking, stop typing, stop talking and seek to quell the thoughts in your mind. Create a pause and a space to assess the foundational energy that is propelling your current ideas or endeavors.

Next steps include a process for identifying and moving the energy of conflict and will be covered in subsequent essays. For now, it is simply important to understand that the creation of peace is not focused on other countries, people, systems, leaders or actors. It is not an external process. And it does not involve a limited focus on what we do, say or decide. Rather, it requires the identification and release of the energy that underlies, propels and sustains conflict within each of us. We are measurable energy, and we contribute to an energy of peace or conflict through the energy we hold and out-picture into the world. We support peace for ourselves and others through a willingness to identify and evolve our own energy of conflict. We are the vessels and purveyors of peace.

What are you doing for yourself to create peace?

#conflictresolution #policychange #humanevolution #peacebuilding

As originally published by the Good Men Project here.


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